Pour en apprendre davantage sur le travail du Dr Botkin :
Induced communication after death
By Allan Botkin, Editions Guy Tredaniel (2014)
This Beyond which beckons us
By Basset, Lytta, Albin Michel (2022)
Living the mourning day by day
By Dr. Christophe Fauré, Albin Michel (2012)
This Life… and Beyond: An Inquiry into the Continuity of Consciousness after Death
By Dr. Christophe Fauré, Albin Michel 2023
News from Beyond
By Bill and Judy Guggenheim, Editions Exergue (2011)
When the Dead Come to Us
By Evelyn Elsaesser, Editions Exergue (2017)
Spontaneous contact with the deceased” A scientific investigation proves the reality of VSCD
By Evelyn Esaesser, Editions Exergue (2021)
Loss and reunion: communicating with loved ones beyond death
By Dr. Claudio Lalla, Editions Exergue (2022)
Like a Wave From Another Shore. After-Death Communication between Art and Psychotherapy.
By Grodhues, Juliane; Stockmar, Dorothea (2012)
8 raisons de croire en l’existence de la vie après la mort: Lettre ouverte à ceux qui doutent encore
By Olivier Chambon, Marie-Odile Riffard (2022)
Perdita e ricongiungimento: Comunicare con i propri cari oltre il tempo della loro vita
By Claudio Lalla (2015)
La terapia IADC per il lutto grave e complicato
IADC – Therapie – Allan Botkin Institut Deutschland
IADC® Therapy with Dr. Allan L. Botkin, Psy.D.